Acuarela sobre papel artesán
Obra:15x15cm. Obra enmarcada: 19x19cm.
Flairas son as que viven. A Flaira é o lugar.
Agroman tinguidas de tolemia, sen vergoñas, frescas na terra da Flaira. Persoas inventadas, familias arcanas do sangue, animais e paisaxes que contornean este universo dunha existencia tan real, coma onírica.
Debuxos e pinturas, trazos que nacen algareiros e retadores, para ao final instalarse, xa acougados, no lenzo ou no papel.
Líricas humanas, líricas paixasísticas, líricas das nosas conciencias e impulsos atávicos, historietas astutas e un fato de sensacións disparatadas, son, a repercusión que toma vida, color e forma, na obra de A Flaira María Rodriguez.
Flairas are those who live. Flaira is the pace.
Tinted with madness they sprout, shamelessly fresh in the land of Flaira. Made up people, inscrutable blood familie, animals and panoramas outlining this universe with an existence that is as real as it is oniric.
Drawings and paintings, sketches born cheeky and challenging, the which eventually settle down to fit into the paper or canvas.
Lyrical humans, lyrical panoramas, lyrical our consciences and atavistic impulses, little clever stories and a bunch of crazy feelings and sensations are the repercussions coming to life, taking form and colour in the work of A Flaira María Rodríguez.
Os textos que aparecen na web son da autoría de Julia Hernández Fernández e Saavedra.
Translate by Marisol Rodríguez Manfurada.